Ветераны-100.Чемпионат Европы.Вильнюс.2-9-09.2012

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    European Draughts Confederation
    Office: 29 Vene, 10123 Tallinn, Estonia, tel +372 51 53 484
    e-mail viktoria@europedraughts.org
    Vilnius, Lithuania, from 01th September till 09th September, 2012
    1. General information
    The organization of the European Veteran Championship 2012 has been allotted by the EDC to the
    Lithuanian Draughts Federation(http://www.saske.lt)
    The championship will take place on September, 02 — 09, 2012 (arriving day September 01th — 02th) at Vilnius in KAROLINA (Hotel –Konference centre)- Sausio 13-osios str.2,Vilnius (www.karolina.lt) Vilnius information : http://www.vilnius-life.com

    1.1. Opening ceremony – 03 th September 14 .00
    Closing ceremony — 09th September after round 9th ~ 16 00.
    Both in playing hall.
    1.2. Blitz championship – on Sunday 2 th at 1600 ❗
    1.3. Official web site of the competitions — http://www.europedraughts.org
    1.4. There are planned three age groups for men: > 50 +; > 60 +; >70 +,for women
    1.5. The tournament will be supervised by main referee Jan Zioltkowski.
    1.6. This document and FMJD rules are valid for them and for the competitors.
    1.7. All costs for travel and visa expenses as well as traveling, food and lodging and visa expenses for players and accompanying persons have to be paid by their national
    federations or by themselves.
    1.8. Application from the federations should be send into EDC office (viktoria@europedraughts.org) before August 10th.
    1.9. There are no limits in applications from one federation.
    ❗ 1.10. With all Hospitality and about documents needed for visa please contact with
    Romualda Šidlauskiene
    e-mail: ramunelesi@gmail.com;
    skype- ramunele56
    mob.tel.+370 687 43468
    2. Fees &Prices
    2.1. Entrance fee is 40 ? .
    2.2. Paying fee it is a federations duty, so amount of fee from Federations will be counted not based on players present in Vilnius, but based on numbers of players in applications.
    2.3. Without full participation fee paid by a federation, it is impossible for any players from that federation to play.
    2.4. In case of extraordinary situation, a federation should inform EDC in written form about
    resignation of player(s). Only in this case fee can be reduced:
    50% if resignation before August 20th.
    2.5. Fees can be paid in cash before opening ceremony or by bank transfer to:
    Beneficiary: EDC Estonia MTÜ Address: Vene 29, Tallinn 10123, Estonia
    Bank: SEB Bank`s address: Tornimäe 2, Tallinn 15010, Estonia Swift code: EEUHEE2X
    IBAN account no: EE 61 1010 22008 3704012
    In case of bank transfer please check your bank – the money should be on the account BEFORE competition starts.
    2.6. The players of each age group finishing in the first three places will receive a medals and an official diploma of European Championship.
    2.7. Fee for blitz tournament is 10?
    2.8. Price to Blitz tournament – 100% of fees for prices.
    3. Technical details
    3.1. Tournament will be played in 9 round Swiss system on rating (rounds can be modified according
    to the number of participants by main referee, in consultation with EDC and organizers).
    3.2. Time control 1.20 + 1” (Fisher system)
    3.3. Final places according to FMJD rules applying to Swiss system. (barrages will not be played)
    4. Hospitality information
    4.1. Accommodation for all players and officials at
    KAROLINA (Hotel –Konference centre)- Sausio 13-osios str.2,Vilnius(www.karolina.lt)
    With all hospitality questions contact
    Romualda Šidlauskiene
    e-mail: ramunelesi@gmail.com;
    skype- ramunele56
    mob.tel.+370 687 43468
    Speciality prices -17-35 ? per persons per day in a triple(17? ),double (24?), and single (35? ) room included breakfast

    5. Schedule
    Saturday-Sunday, September 01 -02.09.2012 arriving
    Sunday, September 2th 1600 Blitz championship
    Monday, September 3th 1400 Opening ceremony
    Monday, September 3th 1500 Round I
    Tuesday, September 4th 10 00 Round II
    Tuesday, September 4th 16 00 Round III
    Wednesday, September 5 — 1000 Excursion and cultural program*
    Thursday, September 6th 10 00 Round IV
    Thursday, September 6th 16 00 Round V
    Friday, September 7th 10 00 Round VI
    Saturday, September 8th 10 00 Round VII
    Saturday, September 8th 16 00 Round VIII
    Sunday, September 9th 9 00 Round IX
    Sunday, September 9th ~ 16 00 Closing ceremony
    Monday, September 10th Departure
    Provisional – changes possible
    6. *Cultural program
    There will be organized an excursion to Vilnius and cultural program by Lithuanian Draughts Federation
    EDC President Janek Mäggi
    Responsible person for
    EDC Veteran Championship Jan Zioltkowski
    +49 1753481833


    Ветераны-100.Чемпионат Европы.Вильнюс.2-9-09.2012




    Турнирное положение перед последним 9 туром (09.09.2012):
    Более подробная информация о ходе чемпионата:
    Несколько моих любительских фотографий (простите за плохое качество) с 7 тура (08.09.2012) здесь:


    Эдвард, поздравляю с поставленной задачей — со званием чемпиона!
    Так держать! Молодец! :rockband: :cheers:
    Борис Дружинин

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