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  • #423601

    Ничего, скоро кто-нибудь Новый статус ФМЖД опубликует наверное…. 😳 Поругаемся всласть :?


    6.2 Associate Members
    Associate Members are organizations representing other variants of draughts such as, but not
    limited to:
    Russian and/or Brazilian draughts on 64 squares
    Turkish draughts
    Or other variants admitted to the discretion of the General Assembly
    Associate members are independent having their own council, finances, general assembly and
    elections. FMJD can collaborate with the associated members in the organization of all
    encompassing international mind sport events in which the organization accepts other versions
    of draughts than international draughts on 100 squares.
    Associated members can use the FMJD logo but always need to mention ‘Associate Member of


    Можно начинать ругаться!


    «Originally FMJD was set up for international draughts on 100 squares. About 15 years ago other organizations such as ‘64’ and checkers became member. Though we want to retain FMJD as one family, it is important to stress the independence of the other variants, as it has been the case practically over the past 15 years. The other variants are to become associated members of FMJD and can use the FMJD logo with the text ‘ Associated Member of FMJD’. There will only be very limited crossover financial obligations between FMJD and its associate members. Of course FMJD will try to collaborate with the associated members in international mind sport events where the organization accepts other variants than international draughts on 100 squares.»


    чето я не совсем понял,чо там написано,помоему гонево на русские,бразильские энд «озер» геймс :twisted:,типа мы «озеры» беспощадно 15 лет «юзали» «лого» ФМЖД.я чото не так понял?


    To: FMJD Member Federations


    • Introduction

    • State of FMJD (Presidents report)

    • New Statutes and Bye-Laws

    Bennekom, February 2012


    Dear draughts friends,

    This year FMJD exists 65 years. In many countries 65 years is the retirement age but FMJD is still very much alive. As a matter of fact we have made a lot of progress over the past years and that has resulted in a much healthier FMJD, despite the economic crisis that affects so many countries. But in our 65 years our structures have become somewhat rusty. Many minor and major changes have been made in the past and they have not resulted in very coherent Statutes. Instead of coming with minor changes we need a big change. Therefore we propose new Statutes and Bye-Laws. That is a process that needs careful consideration and decision-making. Nevertheless, we hope that this whole process can be carried out this year.

    Presidents Report

    When I was elected President of FMJD in December 2009, FMJD was facing serious problems. The World Championship for Men in Brazil was cancelled on short time notice and no time was available to come with alternatives. The financial crisis raging around the world was peaking and therefore even no money was available for low cost alternatives. Also future World Championships would have to face an enormous lack of money and lack of willingness of sponsors to invest in draughts.

    I decided to follow three parallel roads to potential success. First of all our beautiful game should be more interesting for Television and Internet. We developed ideas and at about the same time top players, independently, gathered under the leadership of Bessel Kok. It resulted in a top tournament in Beijing in December 2011 where games with a shorter thinking time played an important role.

    My other two lines were to seek active collaboration with IMSA, the international Mind Sport Association and with SportAccord (formerly GAISF). FMJD has been a member of these organizations for a number of years and this membership is now paying off. Excellent personal relations with IMSA President José Damiani and SportAccord President Hein Verbruggen certainly have been very useful.

    The very special relation Hein Verbruggen has with China (Hein is an honorary citizen of Beijing because of the important role he played in getting the 2008 Olympic Games to China) resulted in the first SportAccord World Mind Games in December 2011. Top players in Bridge, Chess, Go, Draughts and Xiangqi played there. The tournament for international draughts had 12 players with men and 8 with women who played for total prize money of $90,000. With financial help of FMJD the section 64 could organize a demonstration tournament In the same playing hall. FMJD received a substantial organization fee for this tournament.

    It has just been announced that the SportAccord World Mind Games are secured as an annual event for 2012-2014 and will be held again in Beijing. Qualification will be through World Cup tournaments. In 2011 the World Championships for Men and Women rated as World Cup tournaments and we were very happy with the World Cup tournament in Ufa. Many thanks there to the President of the Republic of Bashkortostan Khamitov who I met a few times personally and to Mr. Chertok, President of FMSR. FMSR has been very active and now officially represents FMJD for international draughts on 100 squares.

    Ideally we want to have at least two World Cup Tournaments per year. For 2012 we are working on a World Cup tournament in Brazil and the World Mind Sport Games (August in Cardiff or Strasbourg) will count as a World Cup Tournament as well. The desired total prize money of ?30,000 can be paid from the inscription fees and the financial resources of FMJD. For 2013 we have the World Championships for Men and Women. Those are World Cup Tournaments as well and we will organize a World Cup event in The Netherlands in the town of Wageningen that celebrates its 750th anniversary that year. For this tournament we receive financial support from IMSA with the goal to increase the role of Internet and computers in promoting such tournaments.

    In 2011 IMSA entered into a long time relationship with Duplicate Poker. FMJD will receive part of the money involved in the contract whereby the money is earmarked for special projects. Duplicate Poker organized a mind sport event in November 2011 in the London Eye where draughts was demonstrated as well. Unfortunately the male top players Georgiev and Schwarzman could not be present there and we had serious visa problems for other players. Boomstra however made a very good impressions there as did our female top players, Viktoria Motrichka and World Champion Tamara Tansykkuzhina.

    2011 Was also the year of the World Championship Tournaments for Men and Women. In a very well organized tournament in The Netherlands, in the polder town of Emmeloord and on the former island Urk, Alexander Georgiev led the pack by three points and very well deserved kept his title. The World Championship for Women was organized in Rivne in the northwestern part of Ukraine. It was very well organized and Tansykkuzhina deserved her world title. FMJD is very grateful to the organizers of these events and hopes that we will see them back on the organizational front in the future.

    All of the world many tournaments were organized and it shows that our mind sport is still very much alive.

    In 2011 compensation was paid for costs occurred with the cancelled World Championship in Brazil in 2009. Surplus money from the Foundation of draughts was transferred to FMJD and money was spent on the teaching material from KNDB (‘Mappen Methode’). All in all FMJD created a profit in 2011 of over ?50,000 though some of that money is earmarked. Precise numbers will be given in our financial presentation at the first General Assembly.

    For 2012 we will need money for a special General Assembly for new Statutes and Bye-Laws, we will need to contribute some prize money for the World Mind Sport Games and we also want to use some of our funds to attract more members, especially in Africa and the Americas. We will also develop further ideas to make more training material available. And we need to have further courses for arbiters. Both from a viewpoint of mind sport as from a financial perspective we expect further success for draughts.

    In the past two years the Council members worked together in an excellent way and special thanks go to all of them for their invaluable and non-paid contribution to FMJD. We are glad that our Tournament Director Youth, Johan Demasure, overcame his health problems and now is in good shape again. An exception needs to be made for Mr. Ibrahim Fofana. After organizing an FMJD council meeting in Bamako in Mali in November 2010, we have not heard of him and we need to tackle this problem. We will come with suggestions in due time.

    New Statutes and Bye-Laws

    After our first Statutes were made in 1947 many changes were made but basically the Statutes have not really been renewed for a long time. In the past year SportAccord has given us advice on the creation of new Statutes. We received examples and answers on specific questions.

    We should strive for Statutes that do not need regular changes like we had in the past. The Statutes, in our view, should also comply with Sport Laws deposited in Switzerland and used by many global sport associations. The new Statutes reflect this.

    Originally FMJD was set up for international draughts on 100 squares. About 15 years ago other organizations such as ‘64’ and checkers became member. Though we want to retain FMJD as one family, it is important to stress the independence of the other variants, as it has been the case practically over the past 15 years. The other variants are to become associated members of FMJD and can use the FMJD logo with the text ‘ Associated Member of FMJD’. There will only be very limited crossover financial obligations between FMJD and its associate members. Of course FMJD will try to collaborate with the associated members in international mind sport events where the organization accepts other variants than international draughts on 100 squares.

    Other important changes are the reductions of the Membership fee and the termination of two different fees. Seeing the financial situation of FMJD and the greater income generated we can propose one membership fee that is lower than the lowest membership fee currently used. The lowering of the fee should attract many more members.


    Короче, на федерации посланы ДОКУМЕНТЫ(3) (гигантские 😯 )
    Наверно на сайте fmjd.nl тоже появятся 😳


    Да, всем федерациям сегодня бюро ФМЖД разослало проекты Устава, Внутреннего регламента и 4-страничное обращение Оттена.

    На сайте попросили пока не публиковать. Если мнение не изменится, и не попросят это все-таки сделать раньше, то публикация на сайте ФМЖД будет через неделю.


    Я надеюсь федерации НЕ ДОЛЖНЫ ВЗЯТЬ ПОД КОЗЫРЁК и сказать YES , BOSS ??
    Надеюсь БУДЕТ ОБСУЖДЕНИЕ ?? 😳


    В принципе он говорит что другие (не 10х10) виды шашек должны быть самостоятельны. Я дам такую картину — несколько семей в ресторане, за своими столиками, каждый себе заказывает что хочет, каждый платит за себя, но возможны встречи знакомых, и танцуют на одной площадке.


    Это удар для тех стран, в которых играют в 64 и 100.Наши страны не выдержат этого.И этому развалу помог Ю.Черток.


    И этому развалу помог Ю.Черток.

    😆 😯
    Глядите и запоминайте — кто и кому помогает: 😉


    Удалено модератором


    Только предатель шашечных интересов мира может выдвигать лозунг-FMJD-это -100 клетки.
    Сильное FMJD это ВСЕ ВМЕСТЕ.КУЛАК.

    ….Только многое в составе руководящего комитета надо пересмотреть…
    А то одни работают,другие ворон считают,третьи СОБСТВЕННЫХ планов громадьё составляют и нам впаривают…. 😳


    Удалено модератором
    64 – это СИЛА! 100 – будут продолжать вымирать. И лет эдак через 5 или даже меньше, они сами попросятся под крыло к 64. Я никогда не ошибался в таких прогнозах! …

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