Умер А.А.Леман

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  • #397331

    Желающим проститься с А.А.Леманом сообщаю информацию —
    15 декабря к 13-00 15-ая городская больница в Выхино.


    Шашечный союз Германии глубоко скорбит об уходе из жизни великого шашечного организатора и просто прекрасного человека Александра Александровича Лемана.

    Выражаем искренние соболезнования родным и близким.

    Светлая память тебе, дорогой наш друг.

    Правление шашечного союза Германии


    Dear Friends,

    It is with deep sorrow and mourning heats that we have received the news of the departure of a dear friend and co-labourer, Aleksander Leman.

    Defying a serious illness, he was active and faithful to his beloved draughts to the end, hoping to participate in the upcoming draughts World forum in Beijing, China.

    We salute the long-term organizer of the draughts movement, the international referee, the draughts player and journalist.

    Though a man of that calibre can never really be replaced, may there be many to follow his hardworking example.

    Janek Mдggi, President of EDC


    Письмо от Теодора Дикстры.

    Today I was informed that our Alexander Lehman passed away. This is a great loss for the draught community.

    With great respect I think back to his friendly, but always tenacious manner, of organising tournaments according to the rules. The skilful, but very human manner, in which he allways made sure everyone lifed up to the rules was impressive and an example to each referee.

    His enthusiasm and friendship in personal contact, touched me deeply. In memory, I will always cherish our friendship.

    Theo Dijkstra


    Колман Турий и Арон Злобинский выражают глубокие соболезнования близким и родным Александра Александровича Лемана.
    Известие о смерти друга горестно отозвалось в их сердцах.
    Пусть земля будет ему пухом!

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