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  • в ответ на: Новые миниатюры #357018


    L. de Rooij (De Problemist, febr / march 1957)

    в ответ на: Новые миниатюры #357016

    08/09/13/18/22/28/29 — 16/20/27/30/38/39/42
    N. Irzavski (Dambrete, 1972 nr. 8) !

    And … mr. Wilsens, but too late (1975).

    I don’t have the info of S.M. during the last 5 years.
    — in which year and nr. was this position
    — would like to have the 7×7 positions in these years for the archive, who has this information ?

    в ответ на: Just a crazy idea #360455

    А. Моисеев, ШР, 9-18-2005

    A fine problem, that was — very pity for Alex — made before by C. van de Sommen (1969), and in 1988 L.F. Faber came to the same position.

    A slightly different version can be found in «64», 1976 nr. 8:
    9/10/12/15/26/32/35 — 19/24/29/30/31/39/41 (Matoes)

    в ответ на: Новые миниатюры #357013

    Yes, I’ve seen both possibilities (29) and (30) in the solution, and that’s why I did not write that it was made before. I just wanted to show how the same idea was used for a miniature with a complete other motiv.

    в ответ на: Новые миниатюры #357011

    A various set again, Alex.

    №1. Удар с поля 1

    А. Моисеев, ШР, 9-17-2005

    In the AG 7×7 archive I found a position with the same structure
    06/07/08/09/13/19/24 — 17/18/22/27/30/36/43 [J.C. Vink 1963] but the motiv is different

    №2. Удар с поля 2.

    А. Моисеев, ШР, 9-17-2005

    Here the dual 12-8, 3, 46 is possible.

    в ответ на: Новые мотивы / эндшпили #360156

    Taken from «De Volkskrant» 17-9-2005. In this newspaper Ton Sijbrands gives the last part of a game in a simul at Alphen aan de Rijn, 2002:

    44 … 24-29(?)
    [good was 11-16!}
    45. 33×24 20×29 46. 40-34 ! 29×40 47. 45×34! 13-18?
    [this move loses; on 15-20; 38-33! 20-24 and the Dussault sacrifice 35-30! 24×35; 33-29 wins +; but a draw can be reached by 17-21!!; 27×20 19-24!; 28×30 35×44; 34-30 44-49!; 32-28 49-44!; 28-23 44-40!; 23-19 40-29!!; 30-24 29-18!; 20-15 or 20-14 =}
    48. 38-33! 14-20 49. 34-30! 19-24 50. 28×19! 24×13 51. 32-28! 11-16 52. 33-29! 20-25 53. 30-24! 25-30 54. 39-33 30×19 55. 29-24 19×30 56. 35×24 18-23 57. 28×8 12×3 58. 33-28 3-9 59. 28-23! 9-13
    [or 9-14; 24-19 14-20; 19-13 20-25; 13-8 25-30; 8-2 30-35; 2-24! +]

    60. 23-19 15-20 61. 24×15!
    [only winning move, because of 19×8? 20×29; 8-2 29-33!; 2-30 33-38; 30-48 16-21; 27×16 17-22; 16-11 22-28; 11-7 28-33!; 7-1 33-39 =]
    61 … 13×24 62. 15-10 24-29 63. 10-5

    63 … 16-21* 64. 27×16 17-22 65. 5-32! 29-34 66. 32-49! 34-39
    [on 22-28; 16-11 28-33; 11-7! 34-40; 49×35 33-38; 35-19! 38-43; 7-2! 43-49; 19-35 49-27; 21 and 35-49]
    67. 26-21! 22-28 68. 16-11 28-33 69. 11-6 39-44 70. 49×35 33-38 71. 35-49 38-42 72. 21-17! black resigned.

    Miljenko himself used the motive in the thirth diagram for several of his miniatures. If I remember well he took the ending after 66 … 22-28 for the main solution.

    в ответ на: Just a crazy idea #360450

    Nicer for the eyes this way.

    в ответ на: Позиция по мотивам … #350799

    На форуме ФМЖД опубликована найлучшая миниатюра Евграфа Зубова. Любопытно что в произведении гроссмейстера нет большинств в комбинации.
    Большинство появляется в мотиве ! Второе — расстановка не для выставку ( много шашек на преддамочных полях :D ) . И в конце маленкий курьёз : автор подсказал начало решения но «наш» Эдды не смог решить задание 😯 :D 😯

    6-1.41 ➡ 💡 :?:

    Briljant trick !! I (and there were more, but I won’t reveal names) was fooled by the master ! Great ending !

    в ответ на: Позиция по мотивам … #350795


    wink wink, nudge nudge (Monty Python)
    if I quote correctly

    this computerchecking destroys our masterpieces

    в ответ на: Позиция по мотивам … #350793

    Yes, you are right, Eddie. But the first one is better, I think (9×18!). Besides that, the miniature Matoes made in 1985 seems to be not correct. According to Dam 2.2 it is a draw after 12 (39, 50).[/quote]

    A draw ? Horrible. And even you cannot win this position against anyone with your eyes closed ??? (if you follow my little tease ….)

    в ответ на: Позиция по мотивам … #350787

    Вдогонку интересным позициям Моисеева.
    ,,Шашки в России» 15.09.2005
    Решение не привожу,порешайте…
    Отмечу,что ч.п. 15 нужна для устранения п.р.

    Problem appears to be very similar to this miniature (Matoes, 1985):

    в ответ на: Позиция по мотивам … #350783

    Nice problem ! After 12, 1 (40) it’s a matter of picking up the right black pieces.

    в ответ на: Позиция по мотивам … #350779

    Белые начинают и выигрывают

    А. Моисеев, ШР, 9-16-2005


    The problem 09/10/20/28/30/40/43 -12/23/32/38/41/47/49 was published in De Problemist, april 2004 on name of A. Maslov.
    This is something I would ask the people on the forum: the information in this magazine tells us, that it was found on the Sjasjki internetsite in januari 2004. Is this info still available ? Would like to see that.

    в ответ на: Позиция по мотивам … #350767

    Alex, this version of the motive is winning in two manners:
    After the combination to 4 wins:
    First: (40) 15 (45) 44
    Second: (40) 22 (45) 6.
    Or did you know this already, I might have missed that.

    в ответ на: Новые мотивы / эндшпили #360147

    This text is in Dutch.

    It says that many of his compositions ends in a motive, the writer doesn’t know if he’s the author of these motives.
    He thinks the KvD must do something to create a good registration of motives [obviously he doesn’t know about the Kaan archive — Eddie].
    The writer gives several motives with only the main variant and hopes to be the author. If not, he asks to react.

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