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  • Автор
  • в ответ на: Второе дыхание #354733

    Some information I found in the archive:

    Problem 2 was published in the book of Juskevic «3×2=1!», author M. Tsvetov, and must be a bit older than the given date, because it was sent in for the championship of Azerbaidjan, 1977.
    It was also made by G. Chestirikov (see Shashki, 1980 nr. 5 and see L’Effort, nr. 205, oct. 1980 and a few other sources). With 21 on 23 it was also made in 1995 by S.M. van Eijk.

    Problem 3 was published in Shashki, 1982 nr. 9. Author: M. Tsvetov.

    Problem 4 I do not know. If is it published, I would be pleased to know where.

    в ответ на: Новые миниатюры #356898

    Thank you, Miljenko.

    Some years ago several people (Miljenko and I were amongst them) checked hundreds of miniatures in a competition for the magazine Damnieuws. A lot of new things were discovered then.
    This remark proves that Miljenko still hasn’t lost his touch.

    в ответ на: Новые миниатюры #356895

    Aiiiiiii. Blooper from me ! Sorry !!! There goes my reputation.
    Congratulations with two fine problems.
    I go and hide under a stone now.

    в ответ на: Новые миниатюры #356893

    Some bad news about this miniature:
    17/25/31/35/39/43/45 — 14/19/20/28/34/40/48

    Winning is 10, 5, 12, but also possible is 9, 3, 23.

    I’m sorry to have to tell this to you.

    в ответ на: Новые миниатюры #356892

    Alex, I just discovered your question about the miniatures in your posts of 4/29 and 4/30. The miniatures are new in «my» Groeneveld archive. I can’t tell you anything about the motive (which is very lovely I think!), because I do not have a motive database (there are other people who are specialized in this, I believe).

    By the way: what is meant by the position 07/13/17/25/27/30/35 — 23/28/36/39/43/44/48 ?

    в ответ на: Позиция по мотивам … #350401

    Thank you for your words of welcome, Alex.
    I’m not a composer myself, but a collector of 7×7 miniatures. Some time ago Arie Groeneveld started to collect these problems. He could tell if problems were made before and if so where they were published. After his death Rob Spijkers did the job and named the collection the AG archive.
    But it appeared more work than expected and Rob stopped in 2000. I decided in 2001 to digitalize the collection and to go further with it. A small part of the archive you can find on the site of Wesselink. Because I saw that this version has several faults, I started last year a big checkup. I think now the AG is a lot better and more trustfull. It has about 35.000 miniatures now.
    The East-European miniatures and sources (as newspapers, concourses) are in the minority in the archive. We only get this information here in the West if it is again published in magazines as De Problemist etc. That’s a pity.
    The main reason I visit this forum is because a lot of new miniatures are found here. But if any of you has more information (old concourses, personal collections of compositions for instance) I would be glad to receive it and bring it in the AG. My mailadress: damcuriosa@hotmail.com
    Because I have a lot of new and unpublished miniatures, sent to be by the authors, I think it’s not correct to put the complete archive online. I hope you can understand this. Of course it’s always possible to give anyone information about compositions, if it’s in the archive.

    в ответ на: Позиция по мотивам … #350397

    Erg fijn, dank je. Ik mail je wel als ik alles hier bekeken heb.

    в ответ на: Позиция по мотивам … #350395

    Hello Miljenko ! All OK ?

    I try to understand the conversations on this forum, but I don’t speak Russian. A lot of 7×7 miniatures here on the forum, but in some cases I’m not sure who is the author. I would appreciate a little help from someone, after I’ve gone through all what’s written.

    в ответ на: Позиция по мотивам … #350393

    Nice find, this (new?) motiv.

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