
Ответы в темах

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  • Автор
  • в ответ на: Позиция по мотивам … #351140

    Nice to see you composing again.

    Position 04/06/08/10/14/27/37 — 11/15/17/19/28/33/38 was already made by Leen de Rooij and is since 1999 in my archive.

    The positions 04/10/12/14/19/24/32 — 15/23/28/35/37/40/43 and 04/08/10/18/26/29/45 — 15/20/30/31/32/39/44 were both made by P. Jongeneelen and were published both in his book 500 problems. In the last position he did not notice too the dual 24, 2.

    в ответ на: Позиция по мотивам … #351107

    The problem 09/10/18/28/32/35/38 — 11/19/24/30/43/48/50 is already made by S. Juskevic.

    в ответ на: Позиция по мотивам … #351106

    If I understand things right, people think that the motivs I post are found by me. But I don’t compose miniatures or motivs. If I write: author ? or unknown, that is because I found a motiv somewhere without knowing the original discoverer and I liked to propose it as a theme. It’s better not to speak of a motiv Eddie in your posts, because it never is mine.

    в ответ на: Позиция по мотивам … #351092

    New theme? Author: unknown.

    [28] 11 [32] 39, 27

    в ответ на: Позиция по мотивам … #351091

    The problem:
    13/19/20/28/29/31/36 — 12/17/30/35/38/41/50
    was published in Made in Belarus and in Het Damspel, both: december 1992. Author is V. Boelat.

    в ответ на: Позиция по мотивам … #351083

    A fine «come-back» !

    в ответ на: Позиция по мотивам … #351079

    Problem 07/08/09/16/34/36/39 — 18/20/23/27/31/35/43
    Author: M. Lepsic (1996)

    в ответ на: Позиция по мотивам … #351078

    Just received a mail:

    The problem of S.Klomp participated in the FFJD 90 but did not correspond to the rules of the competition. Donc Eliminé !

    Best Regards
    Alain Tavernier

    Thank you Alain for this information.

    в ответ на: Позиция по мотивам … #351073

    Anyway, here is another «trivia»


    This idea exists in many variations (but the move 41 with a black piece on 36 I did not see amongst them directly). Here’s a version of Gojet (1962):

    в ответ на: Позиция по мотивам … #351072

    «Thats why Mr. Pedko may have it — from this list. Later miniature was rejected by judges — due to predecessors, and not appeared on final list — thats why Eddi doesn’t have it !»

    Final remark: as you can see in an earlier post the position is in the 7×7 archive (I gave both predecessors Scheijen and Klomp), so I do have the problem. But I don’t know why it didn’t take part to te competition. Of course your guess that it was discovered that the problem was made before is a logical reason (I had the same idea), but I don’t have the jury rapport to be sure.

    By the way, Alex: I love your problem in which you offered black two D’s to finish in the 2 to 1 motiv of the last days.

    в ответ на: Позиция по мотивам … #351067

    One of my sources said «buiten mededinging». If Miljenko understands these words, he can tell what it means in Russian. I tried to explain it in English.
    Of course you can be right, I don’t have the information about this concours, and you probably do have. If so, you can answer Alemo’s question how many points the problem did get, I guess.

    в ответ на: Позиция по мотивам … #351058

    Alex, white has to take 6 victoms…!

    в ответ на: Позиция по мотивам … #351056

    А теперь персональный привет для Alemo

    Хоть автор и подошёл близко к моей позиции в 1990, но до моих высот ему подняться не удалось 🙄 У меня шашка на 38, а у него — на 33.

    Интересно — сколько очков получила эта позиция на конкурсе ? :P

    The problem of mr. Klomp did not take part to the competition.

    в ответ на: Позиция по мотивам … #351047

    In the meantime I checked the two problems Alemo and Dzo made on this motiv and found this in my little archive:

    02/09/10/13/24/30/36 — 12/18/22/28/38/40/41

    was exactly in this version published in march 1983 in the Belgian magazine Knack. So J. Scheijen is the author of this problem. Another version (38 on 33) was send in by S. Klomp for the concours FFJD 1990.

    So now I can answer your question: the motiv is at least 23 years old, probably much older !

    в ответ на: Позиция по мотивам … #351045

    So I was right when I wrote my question (was this motiv posted earlier I asked). I thought I had seen it here before.
    And it’s never my motiv, I don’t compose. I even think it’s not the motiv of Alex. Almost anything in 2 to 1 and 3 to 1 motivs are found already, I suppose.

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